Monday, February 2, 2015

Using Text-to-Speech

I like Text-to-speech it is easy to use. I recommend it to who learn a new language. It is good and more helpful for them. "With the rapid development of information technology, text-to-speech (TTS) synthesizers, computer programs converting written text into spoken words, provides great potential for offering learners with varied and easily accessible spoken language input," (Moon, 2012). Language teaching is a difficult process that requires careful work . The teachers try to find ways to make this difficult process enjoyable for language learners, I see Text-to-speech it is a good way to ESL. ''Text to speech services process the text and synthesize it to audio.. EFL/ESL students can hear the audio helping them in pronunciations and comprehension.." On addition, it will development of their reading skills, and helping them to overcome the difficulties they face in pronunciation.

Moon, D. (2012). Web-Based Text-to-Speech Technologies in Foreign Language Learning: Opportunities and Challenges. In Computer Applications for Database, Education, and Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 120-125). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Are you a EFL/ESL Student? Learn how Text to Speech can help you. - How can Text to Speech help you in your daily life? (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2015, from

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