Monday, February 9, 2015

Useing Noun Project

These are some icons we can use them with our students:

1- On this icon it helps my students remember that they should to do their assignment at home.

2- This icon is eraser. It shows my students that they should use eraser when they have any mistakes.

3- In this icon it shows the students that it time to communication and exchange of ideas and experiences among students this gives them different skills such as self-confidence, the ability to debate, exchange of ideas, and communicate with members of the community.
4- In this icon it shows to students that teacher put time limited to the exams or to the class.

5- In this icon it shows to the students that they should be to be silent. This could teachers use it when the students having an exam or reading time.   

6-  This icon it could teacher use it to show their students that reading time. A book is a great resource for reading. In my classroom, a book would be a literacy element that will represent reading time for students.

 7- In this icon teachers would definitely use this element in their classroom to let the students using the internet to log in and browse the web. Searching the web for new information.

8- Teacher can show it to their students to teach them to follow the steps when they are doing any assignment. Moreover, it can be used to teach students how to organize time and end the duties regularly.

9- In this icon it shows to students that today are library day the teachers take their student to the library to pick book and read it during class or take it to their home.
10- This icon is ruler.  In this icon students will be able to use the ruler to create shapes. Also I can use this icon to tell my students they can use ruler to put lines on paper to be used in writing.

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