Sunday, February 22, 2015

Field Trip to Library

The Pablo Creek Regional Public Library 

The Pablo Creek Regional Public Library is a facility located on beach blvd in Jacksonville and is a good size with just one level and looks very much like a traditional library. While there is a section for children it is somewhat basic in its appearance and not quite as inviting as some others I have seen that seem to cater more to children.  There are computers for adults but they are set up on long tables in areas that aren’t private and located where the traffic is high. The library has free wi-fi access and all 40 computers offer internet access. Even still, there were only a couple people on the computers in one area but a few more in another area. A few people were reading books near the bookshelves who were probably just skimming the storylines.  
Several programs are offered free of charge at this library for children, teens and adults  including classes for English for speakers of other languages which seems to be very well organized, established and interesting. This library did not have an area, equipment or materials specifically for people with special needs. There are audiobooks, music and movies that can be checked out in addition to books, for both children and adults. Checkouts can be done without assistance at self-service checkout machines near the front and there is an automated return center as well.  There are several private meeting rooms which look like they can be used for many different things. I noticed that there were an ample number of hard wooden tables and chairs but not sofas or overstuffed chairs for a more comfortable ‘living room’ seating experience. The age groups those were there within my time library, from 30-60, in Thursday at 3-6 pm.
The library is open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 10-6, Wednesday and Thursday 1-9, and Sunday 1-5, Monday it is closed.

There are some pic of my visiting:

There is a pic from their website:

Monday, February 9, 2015

Useing Noun Project

These are some icons we can use them with our students:

1- On this icon it helps my students remember that they should to do their assignment at home.

2- This icon is eraser. It shows my students that they should use eraser when they have any mistakes.

3- In this icon it shows the students that it time to communication and exchange of ideas and experiences among students this gives them different skills such as self-confidence, the ability to debate, exchange of ideas, and communicate with members of the community.
4- In this icon it shows to students that teacher put time limited to the exams or to the class.

5- In this icon it shows to the students that they should be to be silent. This could teachers use it when the students having an exam or reading time.   

6-  This icon it could teacher use it to show their students that reading time. A book is a great resource for reading. In my classroom, a book would be a literacy element that will represent reading time for students.

 7- In this icon teachers would definitely use this element in their classroom to let the students using the internet to log in and browse the web. Searching the web for new information.

8- Teacher can show it to their students to teach them to follow the steps when they are doing any assignment. Moreover, it can be used to teach students how to organize time and end the duties regularly.

9- In this icon it shows to students that today are library day the teachers take their student to the library to pick book and read it during class or take it to their home.
10- This icon is ruler.  In this icon students will be able to use the ruler to create shapes. Also I can use this icon to tell my students they can use ruler to put lines on paper to be used in writing.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Using Text-to-Speech

I like Text-to-speech it is easy to use. I recommend it to who learn a new language. It is good and more helpful for them. "With the rapid development of information technology, text-to-speech (TTS) synthesizers, computer programs converting written text into spoken words, provides great potential for offering learners with varied and easily accessible spoken language input," (Moon, 2012). Language teaching is a difficult process that requires careful work . The teachers try to find ways to make this difficult process enjoyable for language learners, I see Text-to-speech it is a good way to ESL. ''Text to speech services process the text and synthesize it to audio.. EFL/ESL students can hear the audio helping them in pronunciations and comprehension.." On addition, it will development of their reading skills, and helping them to overcome the difficulties they face in pronunciation.

Moon, D. (2012). Web-Based Text-to-Speech Technologies in Foreign Language Learning: Opportunities and Challenges. In Computer Applications for Database, Education, and Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 120-125). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Are you a EFL/ESL Student? Learn how Text to Speech can help you. - How can Text to Speech help you in your daily life? (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2015, from