Saturday, March 21, 2015

Field Trip #2

        March 11th is the day that I went to Pablo Creek Library; there was no class in session in spite of a class being scheduled for Introduction to Email, between 2pm-3:30pm. I went to another library on the following Tuesday, Southeast Regional, where there was a class for Microsoft Office and only two women were in attendance, in addition to the instructor.During this class, the instructor covered the Word part of MS Office giving a breakdown of the various tools and functions of this part application. Even though I didn’t need help in these areas, I could tell that the women that were there were benefiting from the class. This class actually lasted just one hour, possibly because there were so few students and the material could be covered more quickly. There were no materials other than the computers and one printed instruction sheet provided to the students. The instructor projected a matching screen on the wall through the computer, and the students followed her steps. One of the women in the class seemed to have a general working knowledge about the application and the other seemed to have no understanding at all and had many, many questions.This classroom, because it is technology based, had just computers –about 16- a white screen and a projector. There were no other decorations or materials in the room. It was very simple, like a lab. The focus of this class is to provide assistance to people who have not had the advantage of learning basic computer skills in order to compete in the job market or enable them to more efficiently accomplish general life tasks in the technology era.There are other tech classes offered during the 2-3:30 timeframe on Tuesdays throughout the month. There are no reservations or sign ups required for the classes, attendants can just arrive as they like and seating is often not an issue. The classes are free of charge.

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